Do you want to know if the server of a specific FIFA title or game mode is still up? You can check here the EA Sports FIFA Online Services Shutdown list. FIFA Online Services Shutdown When each title or game mode was taken down The decisions to withdraw particular features or modes of certain EA games, or to retire online services relating to older EA games are never easy. The development teams and operational staff pour their hearts into EA’s games, their features and modes almost as much as the players, and it is hard... ...

Many people around here often ask us our opinion on determined subjects of the game. They mainly put their faith in our experience, which is in fact as vast as this game mode’s period of existence. Twelve different FUT editions passed before our eyes, and we learned a lot with all of them. Maybe it’s also time for you to learn more about the history of FIFA Ultimate Team, year by year.  YEARTHE BIRTH | FUT 09 | FUT 10 | FUT 11 | FUT 12 | FUT 13 | FUT 14 | FUT 15 | FUT 16 | FUT 17 | FUT 18 | FUT 19 | FUT 20  FUT Histo... ...

We love FIFA. You know that. The FIFA Dev Team should feel proud of their hard work. However, year after year they also deliver a game with a lot of glitches, bugs and errors. No one is perfect but some of these fails look too unreal to be true. Because we believe this should not ever be forgotten, we have compiled on this FIFA Glitch History the ten biggest of the FIFA history. FIFA Glitch History – Top 10 Glitches, Bugs, Errors and Hacks The biggest glitches of the FIFA history Along all these years, thousands of bugs were di... ...

Many people around here often ask us our opinion on determined subjects of the game. They mainly put their faith in our experience, which is in fact as vast as this game mode’s period of existence. Eleven different FUT editions passed before our eyes, and we learned a lot with all of them. Maybe it’s also time for you to get to know how were the first ten years of FIFA Ultimate Team.   YEARTHE BIRTH | FUT 09 | FUT 10 | FUT 11 | FUT 12 | FUT 13 | FUT 14 | FUT 15 | FUT 16 | FUT 17 | FUT 18 | FUT 19  FUT History – The Begi... ...

Ultimate Team mode was released ten years ago and trading was always part of the game. FUT Chief, specialist on Trading and Investing Advice for the FIFA Market, helped us to summarize the history of FUT trading in a single page. Don’t forget to follow him on Twitter.   YEARFIFA 09 – FIFA 16 | FIFA 17 | FIFA 18 | FIFA 19  Short History of FUT Trading Introduction Over the past three FIFA instalments, there have been drastic changes to the landscape of FUT trading and investing. Prior to FIFA 17, there were limited metho... ...

Many people around here often ask us our opinion on determined subjects of the game. They mainly put their faith in our experience, which is in fact as vast as this game mode’s period of existence. Ten different Ultimate Team editions passed before our eyes, and we learned a lot with all of them. Maybe it’s also time for you to get to know more about the FUT history.   YEARTHE BIRTH | FUT 09 | FUT 10 | FUT 11 | FUT 12 | FUT 13 | FUT 14 | FUT 15 | FUT 16 | FUT 17 | FUT 18  FUT History – The Begining How everything started... ...

  Along the years we’ve been preparing to launch this column where we’ll present the best websites, products and services for FIFA. By the time we effectively decided it was time to publish our first review, we were caught by surprise to see that many of the websites we planned to write a review on already don’t exist anymore. It’s incredible how fast they appear and vanish from the internet. Many of them were quality ones, which is why we felt it was our job to pay them a tribute, before we go on with the reviews of those that ... ...

  Many people around here often ask us our opinion on determined subjects of the game. They mainly put their faith in our experience, which is in fact as vast as this game mode’s period of existence. Nine different Ultimate Team editions passed before our eyes, and we learned a lot with all of them. Maybe it’s also time for you to get to know more about the FIFA Ultimate Team history.   Quick AccessThe Birth | FUT 09 | FUT 10 | FUT 11 | FUT 12 | FUT 13 | FUT 14 | FUT 15 | FUT 16 | FUT 17  FIFA Ultimate Team History – The Be... ...